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Freedom Trident

Updated: Jul 27, 2023

A 5m high Freedom Tryzub (Trident) at the 2022 BurningMan Festival

It was created by the Lithuanian-American camp - Amber Dust, which is participating with their first art installation. The Freedom Tryzub stands for Freedom and democracy, as well as the resilience of the Ukrainian people.

At the end of the event, it is customary to set fire to each art project. But, the Tryzub will be dismantled and donated to the Ukrainian community in southern California.

We chose the coat of arms of Ukraine, which is believed to have originated as a tribal symbol, a synthesis of the divine elements of fire and water in the manifested world. Three points, three worlds, and trinities are ever-present in human mythology and culture. Today, a trident is a symbol of unity and freedom. A symbol of perseverance and determination, a symbol of a fight for freedom and democracy. The wisdom embedded in trident is universal.

As you may already know, Freedom Trident was brought back to Los Angeles and donated to the Ukrainian diaspora represented by the Stand with Ukraine Foundation. They replaced all the damaged parts, cleaned it from the dust and are ready to assemble Freedom Trident this Friday for the Lithuanian Days festival in Los Angeles that will take place over this weekend. The Ukrainian diaspora will be participating with their performers and different organizations in the Lithuanian Days in Los Angeles for the first time. We prepared a printout (pictured) that will stand close to Freedom Trident during the event describing the meaning of the Trident and acknowledging the contribution of everyone that supported the project.

After Lithuanian Days, Freedom Trident will be placed in the permanent public location which will be accessible to everyone in Los Angeles.

The 36th Lithuanian Days in Los Angeles - the biggest Lithuanian diaspora annual event in Southern California last weekend - were historic. For the first time, Ukrainian diaspora joined Lithuanian Days to celebrate cultural heritage. Our Freedom Trident was displayed during Lithuanian Days. Ukrainians assembled Freedom Trident in 3 hours (9 volunteers) and disassembled (11 volunteers) in 1 hour (see the time laps). The builders kept praising the genius design and architecture by Donata Au ! After Lithuanian Days, Freedom Trident will be placed in the permanent public location accessible to everyone in Los Angeles

Hello from Lithuania - " Martynas Arėška"

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